$600k Settlement Gains and 300 Hours Reclaimed: Using the Claims Intelligence Platform at McCready Law
30% increase in settlement value using EvenUp's AI-powered products.
The Claims Intelligence Platform
About McCready Law
Tackling Time-Consuming Processes and Improving Settlement Outcomes
In today’s fast-paced legal landscape, staying ahead of the curve means embracing the latest technology to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately provide better outcomes for clients. Michael McCready, Managing Partner of McCready Law Injury Attorneys, knows this all too well. McCready shared insights on how his firm integrated EvenUp’s Claims Intelligence Platform to offload routine tasks, optimize daily operations, and improve settlements.
An Innovative Approach to Law
McCready’s philosophy is simple: "We want to be at the forefront of the legal profession, and technology is key to that.” Actively participating in industry organizations and speaking at conferences across the country, McCready strives to stay informed on advancements in legal tech.
“What we used to do manually, EvenUp now does for us. Whether it’s a chronology or a demand, these tools save us countless hours.”
Michael McCready
Managing Partner at McCready Law
McCready Law leverages EvenUp’s AI-enabled platform for critical operations including demands, medical chronologies, case preparation, and internal diagnostics. “We’re always trying to take advantage of cutting-edge technology to help our team provide the best services to our clients,” McCready said.
The Results
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In potential settlement impacts
By proactively identifying missing documents
Visualized employee performance
Enables significant firm improvement
Hours of saved time
By quickly retrieving answers to questions with Case Companion
Success Using EvenUp's Connected Platform
Pre-Litigation Process Streamlined
McCready Law uses EvenUp’s Demands tool to optimize the mundane, and time-consuming process of writing demand letters. The platform provides real-time analysis of case information; instead of waiting for documents to be reviewed, records are analyzed and summarized as they come in. This allows McCready’s attorneys to proactively address issues early in the case—enabling faster resolutions down the line.
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EvenUp Sample Demand Letter for Personal Injury Lawyers
EvenUp Sample Demand Letter for Personal Injury Lawyers
Negotiation Preparation
300+ Hours of Time Saved
Post-demand, McCready Law leverages EvenUp’s Negotiation Preparation tool to understand key case weaknesses and value-add opportunities at a glance.
When presenting cases to insurance adjusters, having information laid out clearly and logically improves the chances of securing favorable settlements. “Even Up has allowed us to ‘spoon-feed’ information to adjusters in a way that makes their job easier,” McCready explained. “It’s persuasive, complete, and thorough. Our attorneys have reported significant time savings and higher settlements because of how well the information was prepared.”
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Executive Analytics
Law Firm Performance Optimized
McCready Law also uses EvenUp’s new Executive Analytics tool, enabling firm leadership to visualize attorney performance. Automating processes that once required manual intervention saves the firm significant time—allowing attorneys to focus on higher-value tasks.
The firm has access to abundant data through a third-party case management platform, but the difficulty lies in reviewing and acting on that information. “You can have all the data in the world, but if you’re not acting on it, what good is it?” he remarked. To address this, McCready relies on EvenUp’s Piai-powered data insights to continuously improve operational efficiency.
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EvenUp Sample Demand Letter for Personal Injury Lawyers
This is the product heading that has some KPI value association
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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EvenUp Sample Demand Letter for Personal Injury Lawyers
Case Preparation
$600k+ in Potential Settlement Impacts Annually
EvenUp’s Case Preparation tool provides an automated solution to save time and reduce human error. McCready Law utilizes the Case Companion feature to get insightful answers to case-specific questions. AI-powered citations allow the firm to efficiently access specific documentation to verify and support case details—building more compelling cases overall.
“I foresee a day when there won’t be any missing documents by the time we’re ready to submit a demand because they’ve all been monitored in real-time,” McCready said. He believes that legal tech advancements will continue reducing delays and dramatically improving case outcomes."
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EvenUp Sample Demand Letter for Personal Injury Lawyers
Settlement Repository
This is the product heading that has some KPI value association
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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Technology’s Role Within Modern Law Firms
The legal profession is often seen as slow to adapt, but McCready Law proves that embracing technology is not just advantageous—it’s essential. From automating demands to improving negotiation outcomes to benchmarking firm performance, McCready Law is committed to strategic technology integration. By embracing innovation, McCready ensures that his firm remains at the forefront of the personal injury field for years to come.

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How McCready Law Transformed Demand Letters With EvenUp
30% increase in settlement value using EvenUp's AI-powered products.

Chicago-based personal injury law firm, McCready Law, works closely with their clients to help them better understand their case and how they can leverage the law in seeking the damages and the settlements they deserve. The team’s collective dedication to helping others fuels their determination to deliver exceptional client service.

Writing demand letters was labor-intensive

Crafting effective, thorough demand letters was a labor-intensive process for McCready Law, with attorneys manually sorting through stacks of medical records. The firm established an automated process for drafting demand letters, similar to a template, based on the medical treatment in the case.

Even with streamlined systems in place, efficiency remained a struggle. Attorneys still had to sift through pages and pages of medical records, bills, and treatments, and they could risk missing something important.

While demand letters can be somewhat formulaic, it takes time and finesse to ensure you include all the necessary details and can articulate your client’s experience—something that can’t be templatized.

“It’s not a matter of just sending all the records and bills. It requires analysis,” says Michael McCready, Founder and Managing Partner at McCready Law. “We tried to be as efficient as possible, and we were able to crank out a lot of demands, but it wasn’t anywhere near what we get with EvenUp.”

Streamlining the demand letter process and improving accuracy

Enter EvenUp—a game-changer for McCready Law. Instead of hours spent poring over records, McCready Law could use EvenUp’s AI-powered platform to generate demand letters with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

“With EvenUp, we get a demand letter that’s between 75%-95% done. It still requires a bit of editing, and different lawyers have different ways they like to do things. But it saves a lot of time. And the fact that AI flags bills or records that might be missing is a huge help.”

- Michael McCready, Founder and Managing Partner, McCready Law

McCready Law no longer has to worry about sifting through loads of information and identifying missing elements, or things that might be detrimental to the case—things that can easily be missed due to human error.

Plus, they’re able to get up to speed on their cases faster. “Now, our attorneys are learning about the case by reading through the demand letter first, and then going back to the file to see if anything needs to be added,” says McCready.

Writing compelling narratives that articulate how someone’s life was flipped upside down

When it comes to legal advocacy, crafting compelling, persuasive demand letters is paramount. McCready Law has always valued creativity and storytelling in their approach, and EvenUp has maintained, and even exceeded, that standard.

What makes these demands stand out? They’re not just dry recitations of facts. Instead, they’re engaging narratives designed to paint a picture of the client and what they’ve experienced—their loss of enjoyment and exactly how their lives have been flipped upside down.

Plus, EvenUp’s AI-powered demand letters are based on over 250K verdict and settlement data points to calculate pain and suffering, loss of earnings, and more. They also include all the relevant details adjusters need, such as ICD codes, dates of treatment, summary of providers, and more.

“Including ICD codes helps the adjuster so much because they need to put those into their system,” added McCready. “And when you have them all listed out in your demand, it makes their job so much easier.”

Reducing time on desk

Since adopting EvenUp, McCready Law has experienced an increase in efficiency, notably in time saved and improved case outcomes. “My lawyers are asking for more demands,” noted McCready, a clear indicator of EvenUp’s impact on efficiency.

Reduced "time on desk" is another key benefit of EvenUp. “They’re sending demand letters out faster and that’s primarily because they’re not starting from scratch. It doesn’t take as long, and it’s not as daunting,” says McCready. By providing attorneys with drafts that are nearly complete, EvenUp is helping them allocate more time to focus on what truly matters—advocating for their clients.

Lastly, McCready Law has observed an increase in settlement values, as reported by their lawyers, after leveraging EvenUp’s demands. “We've been able to identify some cases that we got a higher settlement value than we were expecting, and it was probably the result of the demand letter,” noted McCready.

“I'm always looking for something to improve efficiencies and processes, and EvenUp fits right in.”

- Michael McCready, Founder and Managing Partner, McCready Law

McCready Law’s partnership with EvenUp marks a major shift in their approach to demand letter preparation. From labor-intensive, manual writing processes to streamlined efficiency, McCready Law has saved time and improved the quality and impact of their demand letters—a testament to the power of legal tech innovation.

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EvenUp Sample Demand Letter for Personal Injury Lawyers
Ready to see EvenUp in action?
See a redacted EvenUp Sample Demand so you can evaluate the quality of our work.