Case Preparation™, and
Case Companion™ features bring unique advantages to MVP Accident Attorneys, aligning with their client-first mission and legal strategy. For Demands™, Brett says that on the initial test case that MVP conducted, EvenUp's demand gave them a
25% market increase on the initial offer.
Along with Demands™, he's especially fond of Case Companion™, EvenUp's legal AI assistant.
“I can ask Case Companion ‘did the chiropractor say that my client was all better?’ If they did, [Case Companion] will tell me so and point to where in the medical records it says that.
So I have the answer, the source of the answer, and more importantly, I'll know immediately if the chiropractor didn't say that—which can tell me that the adjuster didn't evaluate the medical records, and they're just coming up with standard defense mechanisms to try to devalue my case at hand.” - Brett Sachs, Founder, MVP Accident Attorneys
Additional EvenUp products and capabilities that stand out to Brett, Chelsee, and the MVP team include: